

Today was the annual coverage of the Big Race on the Big Island. It was NBC's award winning coverage of Ironman Hawaii. Kona. It is the one time when our sport gets placed front and center. Where the spectrum of human experience is exhibited in one glossy, tightly wrapped, heart string pulled package. As usual, tears were abundant.

I remember watching this race in the early days, on ABC's Wide World of Sports. The coverage was different then. I wasn't a fan of the sport, just sports in general. I didn't know then what this sport would mean to me one day. I watched in amazement. Men and women torturing themselves. To a young kid this made no sense. Why would anyone do this?

That is the question. Why would anyone do this? Sacrifice so much? The answers are always varied. You could ask one thousand different triathletes and get one thousand different answers. There probably is not one unifying theory that draws us all to early morning start lines, that urges us to spend our lives in dedication. I cannot speculate on the string that ties us together.
I know why I do it. Most of us do. We are a self aware group.

As the days continue to shorten, in the Pacific Northwest, in December, this day is always circled on my calendar. It is the day when one race season turns into the next. It signifies one year passing into another. Watching this race and the rain outside my window always means the beginning of that mental preparation for what lies ahead. It means a keen yearning for those long rides and runs, the morning swims, the camaraderie and the finish lines.

Let another year begin today.


RDS said...

Watched as much of it as I could while chasing my own 8-month-old triathlete around the house. He, too, seems self aware. Looking forward to hearing your reasons sometime soon. And his too.


DW said...

I actually thought the coverage was better this year. Crowie was/is quite the contender and I much prefer his attitude to Macca's...though I still grossly respect Macca for all he has and will still accomplish. I thought the bit with Wellington and her flat was great...and showed what a competitor she is...and person.

I read an article about that Navy Seal dude today in Runners World and his ultra-running exploits. Also, quite the inspiration...in fact, I gonna copy it into MY bloggo-world.

And with the timing of the broadcast, it was just what I needed to finally get a run in outside, just before the serious weather hit on Saturday. It was a great run, with plenty of wind, and plenty of sun. Happy I made it into the out of doors at least once this week. Not that there's anything wrong with the treadie...or with -10 ambient temperature.