
What the Watch Says

I was flipping through my watch data from the race and I thought it might be interesting to post the data. Raw numbers speak to people.

Total Time: 10:34:26
In Zone (Set as 120-160): 9:24:04
Avg. HR: 148
Peak HR: 187
Min. HR: 80
Total Calories Burned: 8523

I hit the lap button 5 times.

1. 1:05:58 HR: 155 (Pretty accurate swim.)
2. 0:03:59 HR: 151 (T1)
3. 5:38:08 HR: 145 (Bike)
4. 0:00:35 HR: 143 (T2, I didn't hit the button until I was leaving transition.)
5. 3:45:44 HR: 151

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