
Race Report: Race for the Roses

Today was the Race for the Roses Half Marathon. The race went pretty well. I felt much more prepared than I did for Shamrock Run a couple weeks ago. Below are the stats.

Place: 26/1909
Age Group: 6/105

Total Avg. HR: 166
Peak HR: 187

Two mile splits and heart rate numbers.

1. 12:46 162
2. 13:29 168
3. 12:40 164
4. 12:45 166
5. 12:38 167
6. 13:11 166
Final 1.1 7:17 165

The second 2 mile split was uphill. As you can see I started to slow off my pace in the final segments.

My lungs felt strong the whole time, but the legs were tired from the get go. Yesterday's workouts were mentally draining for some reason. I am sure this had something to do with my tired legs today. I think I could have gone considerably faster in this race on a good taper. Someday, I know, I will break the 6:00 mile pace.

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