
A Large Pile of Books

This large pile of books will henceforth be called a stack. I have rarely in my reading life had a larger stack of unread books than I do right now. I am still reading at about the same rate I have always read, but with the holidays and my general accumulation the stack has grown to a height rarley seen on my selves. I am both excited about the books and daunted by their number. So as an expirement I have decided to see how long it will take me to read the stack. There are the rules:

1. I may buy only one more book until the stack is gone.
2. I may choose only one book not to read in this stack.

The book stack currently exists as:

The Iceman Cometh, Eugene O'Neill
The Third Man and The Fallen Idol, Graham Greene
Crime and Punishment, Fyodor Dostoevesky
Fear and Loathing on the Campaign Trail ' 72, Hunter S. Thompson
The Rise of Theodore Roosevelt, Edmund Morris
Theodore Rex, Edmund Morris
The Loser, Thomas Bernhard
The Real Life of Sebastain Knight, Vladimir Nabakov
The Deer Park, Norman Mailer
Mason and Dixon, Thomas Pynchon
The Waste Land, T.S. Eliot
Danger on Peaks, Gary Snyder
The Stories of John Cheever, John Cheever
Angels in America, Tony Kushner
A History of the Modern Middle East, William L. Cleveland
The Autobiography of Johnny Cash, Johnny Cash

Wish me luck.

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